

You can support job seekers by publishing upcoming job requirements of your company / organization / institution in our job page , it will be a great tool for job hunters. We have the following plans for Job for advertisement campaign.

1. Paid Job ads will be displayed in the following format

Features Premium Plan 100/ Month
Ad Formats →Job Position
Company Name
Phone : 0000000 Email:
Last Date Of Application : 2020-01-10
Ad Status : Pending

2. Why Dazvow Job Ads ?

A new report finds the world’s unemployment rate has dropped to five percent, the lowest level since the global economic crisis in 2008. The International Labor Organization reports the jobs being created, however, are poor quality jobs that keep most of the world’s workers mired in poverty.

  1. Easy for workers of skilled areas to find job opportunities and you.
  2. Simple to maintain with small amount of data.
  3. More than that, Easy employment generation.

3. Stay connected with customers with the help of dazvow job ads

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