Web Applications

What is a web-based application?

Web-based applications are any application that uses a website as the interface or front-end. Users can easily access the application from any type of computer and mobile phone connected to the Internet using a standard browser.

Web-based applications are:

  1. Easier to develop
  2. More useful for your users
  3. Easier to install, maintain and keep secure
  4. Easier to grow as you grow
  5. Compatible with Laptop, Desktop, Mobile Phone

Web applications Technologies

Web Applications

What is PHP ?

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. Originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. The PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. Source : Wikipedia.org.

PHP is used by 78.2% of all websites with a known server-side programming language. So almost 8 out of every 10 websites that you visit on the Internet are using PHP in some way. Source : According to W3Techs’ data.

What is MySQL ?

MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications.

What is Apache ?

The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Source : Wikipedia.org

What is Linux ?

Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds.Linus Benedict Torvalds is a Finnish-American software engineer who is the creator and, historically, the main developer of the Linux kernel, used by Linux distributions and other operating systems such as Android.